Friday, December 12, 2008


The NRA and Co. have pushed campaigns to allow concealed-weapons permits on college campuses in 15 states this year and failed in all of them.

There is a NRA - ILA (National Rifle Association- Institute of Legislative Action). They would like to allow people to carry guns in National Parks.

Once the worst parents feared was that their college kid would flunk out or get a girl pregnant. In today's world they just hope that their offspring will get enough of an education to make them self-supporting and that they will be alive to graduate.

Growing up on a suburban farm or 140 acres pre-WWII, my father and brothers had loaded shotguns and 22s (rifles). Their purpose was two-fold, to protect the animals that needed protection, and to shoot a meal. They were never considered toys nor was ammo wasted on target play once a gun was mastered (Usually by owning a b-b gun first to practice with. Visiting A young cousin who visited and was not brought up on the farm was curious and lacking in impulse control. He found a 22 where it had been placed in a closet or wherever, and being unfamiliar with its deadliness, shot it in the house (probably by accident), missing his mother's head by an inch or so.

We deny the under 21 the right to drink alcohol, forcing them to act out by drinking too much and causing deadly automobile accidents as well as arming them to commit crimes and deadly violence. Does any intelligent person believe that these weapons are really to arm a militia in the event of Revolutionary, Civil, Global War or against terrorosts? Wasn't that the intent of our forefathers in granting the right to bear arms? We were still stealing the country from the Indians just a hundred years ago, weren't we? Whom do we need to fight in college?

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