Thursday, January 29, 2009


Now that the election is over, things are not cooling down but the whole world is heating up. Republicans seem to have their lack of bipartisanship issues more strongly expressed than their interest for what is best for the majority of the voters (who apparently aren't Republican). Today the House members demonstrated their free thinking by voting lock step with one another. Not one Republican broke rank. No Republican voted for the Bill, though it didn't need their votes to pass.

Most amusing was the genuflecting one Representative gave to Rush Limbaugh. It is very difficult to understand how Limbaugh carries more weight than common sense or wishes for success for his fellow Americans. That he deludes himself to think he knows more than the best economic minds in the country, and demands that politicians pander to him because his listener base is so broad. Rush apparently values his tenuous hold on the voters full of hate for Democracy, for having lost the election to the Democrats and still carrying the divisiveness torch. Well, shame on him and them. How unpatriotic and what a display of poor sportsmanship, none of which should come as a surprise. His megalomania has gone too far and, perhaps, soon, the country will see him for the selfish, self-centered blow-hard that he is. In the meanwhile, he claims to have 20 million fools with him. The sad part is not that they are with him, but that there are 20 million fools in the country!

With Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh we can continue to be ashamed of the country as we were because of their hero George W. Bush. "The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched an online petition to express outrage at conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh for saying he wanted President Obama to "fail." "

It makes me wonder whether pushing action that is against our Constitution shouldn't be considered treason. I would worry about what is in the hearts and minds of all his followers who get revved up by his toxic remarks.

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