Sunday, February 1, 2009

If one wants to know why the Republicans have no concept of budgets and why the economy is so far down the public toilet, one needs only to look at the convoluted and inaccurate logic perpetrated by Boehner and others in the Republican Senate minority. Republicans have never understood that they'd save a great deal in human suffering, but also in later costs for those unwanted children.

Posted by Mary Jane Gallagher and Robin Summers, National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association at 8:49 AM on January 31, 2009. Read the article linked above by these two women to better understand why the Republicans who pretend to be for families, in fact often do more to destroy them than help them,with their current restrictive policies on many things, but especially on family planning, one-size-fits-all thinking, and teaching sex education.
The National Right to Life Group is anti-abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. I understand this as Pro-fetus rather than Pro-life, under any and all circumstances, the demand that a child born to extreme poverty die a natural death regardless of the amount of suffering incurred in the process, and insist on the same for an excruciatingly suffering, terminally ill patient. In fact, this group has taken themselves the task to insist that humans must live, though they may lack medical care between infancy and old age. Quality of life is clearly not a consideration.

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