Friday, February 27, 2009


We have come to believe a mirror image is backwards from what our eye sees. Well, in this modern world of change, a scientist from Drexel has blown that definition to the nether lands.
Most of us can train our eyes to read and write backwards, but not everyone is able to do this apparently. Our eye records a left and a right when we see movement in a rear view mirror. If we use this kind of mirror in our cars, would the driver compensate as we women have to do when trying to clasp on a necklace in front of a mirror?

There are mirror images in amusement parks. Anorexics can turn any mirror at home into one that makes them look fat. We all have the ability to look in a mirror and see a world without telephone lines, a face without blemish or aging. What a surprise when we see the taken image and discover all the things we never noticed while we were taking the picture. We wonder how we missed the lamp sticking out behind our grandchild looking like there is a pole coming out of the top of his head. It is a bit startling to realize how much we don't see when we don't like to see what is there.

It is easy to see evil, stupidity, stubborn refusal, and all sorts of reasons as to why people don't see what we see or think. The irony is that in order to make a mirror 'reflect' what we see or not what the glass sees, the glass gets distorted rather than the image. In fact, it seems there is little difference between this new mirror than the ones in the amusement parks except that the glass distortions are planned ingeniously. I guess that is to glass what marketers are to products, politicians are to voters, clergy are to the to control exactly what is reflected from them.

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