Wednesday, February 25, 2009


There are enough people summarizing the speech for content so that I will not attempt to do that. What I will do, is comment on the positive note throughout the speech. Negatives were looked at from the best side and answers to what will be attempted to be done about problems spoken. There were few promises that have not already been started.

What struck me most heavily were the positive words thrown throughout the speech and how I struggle to recall any negative concepts. Words I heard were: restart, candidly, launched, save, insure and ensure, confidence, hold responsible, assure, helping people, drive, innovation, stability, restore new jobs, promise, opportunity, develop, invest, necessary, preventative care, commitment, affordable, renewed spirit, unyielding support (to servicemen), hope, and inspirational, (to quote a few).

Two important concepts we heard, "It is time for America to lead again." and "We are not quitters."

Bobby Jindal came on just like the Republicans of the last 8 years. He said, "Our party will work hard to regain your trust." The only believable thing he said was that he recognizes they have lost it. It came through to me as though he was saying, "Now that the horse has been stolen, we have discovered that it is now time to lock the barn door and plan to do that, soon ." Jindal sounds like the Republican choice to be the new puppet of the Republican party. It is a slight improvement over Sarah Palin, but not much in my view.

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