Saturday, February 7, 2009


The Obama administration is already receiving criticism for not prosecuting the bad guys, GWB, Cheney and all the rest who violated the Constitution and broke all sorts of laws to make themselves felons. However, I strongly believe it would behoove our government to allow the investigators to get all the information to build a case but not bother our own legislative branch with the work of dealing with it. They have far more important business to pull the country out of the toilet into which Bush and company dropped it, before it gets flushed down by the rest of the world.

It is an American disgrace and we need to make amends to the world so that it will be clearly understood that not all Americans approved of the behaviors of our self-appointed leaders. The question of whether we should prosecute those who ordered torture has been raised. For some reason people seem to think that following orders is an excuse though we prosecuted others after WWII without regard to whether they were following orders. More importantly is whether the perpetrators should be prosecuted. While ignoring our Constitution certainly deserves more than a raised eyebrow by Justice, it would be more expedient to let the World Courts deal with all the violations made during the war.

While our 'news entertainers' spout off all their venom and criticism they are failing to see their own responsibility for ratings going down. Fox 'Noise', as Olbermann refers to the unfair and unbalanced channel, has apparently lost 1/3 of its viewers. It didn't even rate on the list a week or more ago. It is sad that the ignorance on some of those channels by the 'entertainers' (who no longer know they should be reporting what is happening rather than trying to force things to happen as Rush Limbaugh has always done with his lies)is allowing them to follow Bush right to oblivion. Those who think they are so good are talking themselves out of a job.

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