Friday, February 13, 2009


On 2/12, President Obama spoke in Springfield, Illinois. When he first ran for President I thought he was a snake oil salesman. I've decided he is indeed, a salesman, but what he is selling is a product with all good ingredients in a tonic for the entire country. Every time he speaks of the American Dream it states to once again make it possible for most Americans to reclaim their right to it. It underscores the pettiness and divisiveness of the Republican party and the two who have kept the pot stirred for far too long ...Drudge and Limbaugh (forget Fox News and the sillies who call themselves media. Currently the Republicans (with few exceptions) are making it clear that they are more than just sore losers. The are vindictive and revenge ssems more important to them than the welfare of American citizens.

They continue to be obstructionists when they don't get their way. They offer no constructive ideas for bringing the country back from the disaster their party and Administration made it until President Obama got elected. Greg Judd is a perfect example of today's Republican politician. He asks for a job then proceeds to make it clear he is not a team player and does not see why the President should be responsible for his Cabinet. His actions make him a Poster Boy for everything that went wrong with the Republican party in the past eight years.

President Obama commented on the 'knee-jerk disdain' of government reflected by today's Republicans. He calls for citizens to have a 'fair chance in the race of life.' His attitude is a positive one and, while he comments about the dreadful situation that was left for him to make right, he comments, "We will be remembered by what we choose to do at this time....We were consumed to do petty things when we were called to do great things."

President Obama is trying to unify the country. Interesting since the South is still allowed to fly the Confederate flag and the South is still salivating for revenge to the North for the defeat in the Civil War. These are the same Southerners who backed Bush's ignorant notion that the Middle East lives in Bush's world rather than the world in which they have been pushed around for centuries, with all the accumulated rage for the atrocities promulgated on them.

Obama's message, oft repeated, that we are in current need of common dreams, that we are one Nation as one people, was not the one by the Bush Administration, which made it clear that poor people didn't matter and didn't need to be heard. What mattered most was the corporate bottom line.

Obama's personal values have been greatly influenced by Abraham Lincoln. How appropriate that Obama is both black and white, representing South and North attempts to be accepted equally. Unquestionably there are racially prejudiced Northerners still. However, it is in the South that the attitude that the slaves were not human and could be treated as domesticated animals has not been entirely removed from the minds of Plantation heirs.

So far, Obama has made few visible errors. Perhaps the fools who keep criticizing him negatively will catch on to the idea that it is not a smart thing to do because it is likely the voters are keeping closer score this time around.

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