Thursday, March 5, 2009


Why should I be surprised at the media, Michael Steele/Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the bad-loser neocons of CPAC are grown-ups acting like spoiled little children. Is there no respect for the Presidency any that the level to which GW has brought us? Has the grandiosity of the thrice married Limbaugh. who claims to be of family values; this drug addicted loudmouth who lies too readily to capture his audience, entertainer that he is, who dare to pretend that the President has nothing more important to do than debate him on his turf, on a radio station? Why does the media even spread it around?

Now Rush Limbaugh is trying to get Michael Steele out of his job. Lawrence O'Donnell was one of the soundest minds commenting on the whole infantile issue. He made it clear that Rush Limbaugh is not trying to make anything out of the Republican party, he is only looking out for himself and loving every minute of the publicity which seems to be bringing his ratings up. One of the mistakes the media is currently making is to allow every weirdo to speak their opinions even when it is clear they are as daft, outside reality as Michelle Bachman, Representative from one of those frozen north states, the temperature of which seems to have frozen her brain cells.

The news seems to be filled by all the losers, who are inept, inappropriate for the positions they were voted to fill, politicians...unfortunately, at this time, mostly Republicans. For a party that wants to come back, they need to get some of the A team up front though it doesn't look like there are too many suitable and electable candidates within the party for that spot.

What is stopping the loud mouths from seeing that Obama's priorities are not the little blips that stupid politicians insist on putting in his those who sneaked earmarks into the bill. I'd love to see (if anyone had the time to check) which party politicians put most of them in.

Most shocking to me is McCain's treatment of Obama, criticism, continued negative campaigning, poor sportsmanship and teamwork for the good of all, when Obama has reached across the partisan aisle to be courteous and as cooperative as he can be.

I am reminded of the lawyer, Joseph Welch, in the McCarthy era who looked at McCarthy who had insinuated that one Fred Fischer, a young lawyer at Hale & Dorr, harbored communist sympathies. He said, "Until this moment, senator, I think I never gauged your cruelty or recklessness....Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" McCarthy was undoubtedly psychotically paranoid....what excuse can we give today's indecent, bordering on treasonous bad actors who put themselves on the political stage though they hold no current office like Limbaugh, DeLay, Santoro and others who boldly state they hope that Obama's policies fail. Do they not see that if those fail, the country will also fail? They do not have a better plan, only that they wish to continue the failures thrust on us by the Bush administration's incompetence for so long.

1 comment:

T-Dawg said...

For eight long years, I wished GeeeDub would fail, and look where that got us. But maybe it was really a very accurate prediction...