Tuesday, March 10, 2009


As I was replacing batteries in the radio I keep for emergencies (if power should be lost), I recognized a familiar voice as the radio sparked into volume...Rush Limbaugh. Choking to control my gag reflex, I heard him take off on a negative, vitriolic, blast at Obama. He asks why Obama can never talk without a teleprompter. If I hadn't thought the man was ignorant before, that one sentence would have convinced me. Rush, of course, is not important enough to be speaking to millions on TV time that has to be carefully timed. He also must have no memory of the campaign in which Obama ad-libbed more than most of the memorized, canned speeches from most of the automatons running at the time. Further, he has not noted that the man is sticking to his campaign promises as closely as is possible in the current political and economic wars among the Legislature. USA Election Polls on 3/9/2009 state: Republicans Now Seen As A Leaderless Party
Tags: General (3/9) - Synopsis
68% of Republican voters say they have no clear leader. If Rush thinks he is going to make a leader for them, I think that would be extremely inappropriate of him.

Further, he went on to say that the Stimulus bill was not read by Obama. The high rating the citizens of the country give Obama does not reach this grandiose, narcissitic, over-confident blowhard. He accused Nancy Pelosi of having written it. I think he called it something that rhymed with Ridiculous Bill, probably taken as a take-off on Bill Maher's Religulous movie.

In honesty, I must admit, I had never voted for GW and it wasn't until he had made so many majority-harmful decisions like stopping government support for stem cell research, withdrawal of funds to African family clinics that offered family planning assistance (thus making sure that babies would be born to suffer malnutrition and illness for the few months of their life,impulsively starting a war that caused the deaths and ruined lives of millions, and other decisions which were destructive to so many. It was not the first time that someone came into office for whom I had not voted, but I considered myself intelligent enough to allow enough time in office to demonstrate why others thought he was worth the office. Though rare (she says with a blush), I have been known to be wrong in judging people. I wished that was true here but as books began to pop up like Bush's Brain and so many brilliant offerings on the blunders of the Bush Administration, I joined the throng of negative voices about the man, his history, and how he was running my country. Objectively, I have to stress I did not do it less than a month after he had come to office and had reinforcement of my criticisms to support my dislike of the man as my President.

Since Limbaugh represents no constituents and is not running for office, only for ratings to keep the station owners happy, he has little pressure on him. His oratory of lies carries him as though he speaks from the pulpit, so enthralled of him are some of his listeners.

Since Rush Limbaugh seems to rewrite history so often to suit any point he wishes to make, anyone who is aware of the truth does not view what he says as credible. His addiction to prescription drug abuse has not added to my wish to find him worthy of my respect or trust. that which worries me most of all is that so many, seemingly intelligent people, seem to reflect a faith similar that held for clergy for him. That this showman says there is no one heading the Republican party is visibly accurate. To say there is no one heading the Democratic party is a reflection of his inability to see reality, but that he fabricates for himself and passes on to confuse his already uninformed listeners.

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