Friday, April 24, 2009


Miss California was asked what she thought of gay marriage and honestly commented (while I disagree with her view) that she was taught and believes that a marriage is between a man and a woman.

Following the N.Y.Times article there were pieces by some bloggers. Among them, I was particularly impressed by the position stated so fairly by the founder of Log Cabin Representatives.

Avoid the Bully Trap Rich Tafel

Rich Tafel is president of RLT Strategies, which provides personal and organizational strategy. An ordained minister and founder of Log Cabin Republicans, he was an early proponent of gay marriage.

"In the recent dust-up between Perez Hilton, the gay blogger, and Miss California at the Miss USA pageant, a number of questions have arisen about her answer to his question on whether she supports gay marriage.

I think it was a perfectly acceptable question. And though I completely disagree with her, I think her response was perfectly fine too. It mirrors President Obama’s belief and practically every other politician’s views for that matter.

All of us have a belief system, whether it is informed by our faith or a secular world view. The freedom to share those even unpopular positions is what makes this nation great.

As the tide turns in favor of gay equality, it will be a sad victory if we become the new bullies.

In my hundreds of debates for gay rights with Christian conservatives, I was often subject to mean and personal attacks and at times was concerned for my safety.

As the tide turns in favor of gay equality, what a sad victory it will be if we become the new bullies. We lose the moral high ground that propelled our cause. Calling this woman an unprintable name, as Perez Hilton did, is indefensible.

The crime here is not that people have opinions we disagree with. The crime is treating those who disagree with us with the same incivility that they treated us to."

Sometimes someone writes things as you would have stated them. This makes me feel less alone. I never mind debating with people who do not sink to calling me names and insulting me because I differ from that person's beliefs.

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