Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion

At last I find a kindred soul who can say all the things I think I have been saying for a long time...but he says them so articulately and tactfully!

Probably everyone is in one of the three categories, right? Oops, probably not so you would notice! It has always escaped me that so many6 people consider themselves Pro-Life but really mean they are pro-fertilized-ovum and no longer have interest after birth. Probably one with the least regard for life would be G W Bus, who for eight years allowed children to be conceived and born, only to have a very large per cent die before they reached their first birthday...long, painful, hungry short lives. I do not understand any religion in today's enlightened world that could allow this to happen...but it did.

Jeffrey Reel is no one I know or am apt to meet, judging from the paper in which he stated his views. However, he should have more people than are available in the small town in the Western part of the State hear his views. I wonder how long the hypocrites who call themselves Pro-Life, who 'talk the talk' but don't 'walk the walk' will be able to keep their blinders on and live in their world of denial.

Perhaps, one day being pro-life will include quality of life in that equation. I doubt I will live that long, sadly, to see it universally.


Akely said...

I always find it mindboggingly amusing that some people are Anti-abortion and yet pro death penalty.


Yiayia said...

What is even more amusing is that they do not even grasp their own hypocrisy!!