Friday, May 29, 2009


History has proven that there have been some great leaders of movements. However, when the leader goes, so often does the movement. Leaders are creative; followers are not. There have been some great Republican leaders. Unfortunately, there are none at this time. Rove led in the dirty tricks department and got his man into office. Those debasing lies about people shown on TV screens doesn't work any longer. There is just too much ability to pull up video to prove the lies too quickly now. The technique will only work with the few whose minds couldn't be changed with their eyes viewing reality.

From Washington Diary: Justice Sotomayor we read: "Presidents serve for eight at years at most. The nine justices serve for life, should they wish to. By placing someone on the bench, a commander-in-chief can try to make his influence felt well beyond his time in office."

Her greatest detractors are the uneducated bullies who fear intelligent, assertive women. On May 4th, an article in the New Republic states the case, in my mind, as to why she is an excellent selection. Another article in the New Republic on 5/27 gives a more complete picture of Sotomayor. The article is titled A Boring Bench?

Will we allow the xenophobic and misogynists to push her out? I certainly hope not. She may prove the country a winner rather than either party....if we will just give her the chance.

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