Friday, June 19, 2009


Has anyone thought of Bernard Madoff's name and its prophetic hint. He was certainly properly named, wasn't he? He 'made off' with billions but no one saw it coming.

I always thought that Bush was interesting. To have a President who 'beat around the bush' and rarely ever speak truth or gave a factual picture made G W Bush fall into my category of fitting names.

Bernie Sanders has a wonderful name. An Independent Senator from Vermont, he votes with the Democrats 98% of the time and both scratches and smooths the surface of lots of people. A woman who has always confronted debates in the Senate somewhat as a pugilist is aptly named Barbara Boxer. Since the Republicans are putting a lid on everything, Senator Robert Corker of Tennessee seems to have been well labeled for the job he was about to take; Senator Graham, SC, has been fittingly named the cracker he is. Senator Olympia Snowe, ME, is one cool lady. She has weathered many storms and retained more integrity than many in the Legislature though how she remains Republican escapes my understanding.

In Austin there is a dentist named Mike Meek...that inspires, relaxation and a sense of gentleness. In California there is a dentist, Dr. Speed, a pediatric dentist. That name offers the illusion she will get it over quickly, which may not fir passion but suits dealing with children's teeth. Robert Frost was indeed frosty. A
quote to illustrate: He said, "I hate prize fights where the victory is dependent on the referee's decision; it seems too much like the arts."

In deference to space and your time, dear readers, I shall quit this theme though material is forever available. However, Bernie Madoff brought me to this thought, so accurately named...perhaps we should look more carefully at names before we invest emotionally or financially!

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