Monday, July 27, 2009


Having thought about time spent waiting, I think about things that I classify as a waste of my time and life. One of them is getting ready to do a project, whether it is preparing the sink and dishwasher to wash dishes, a hobby, or a project of painting or gluing. I knew I often resist doing things as I contemplate time but hadn't really thought much about why.

Today, hearing strange sounds on the side of my house, I became aware that my neighbor's grapevine had grown so beyond the junk tree she had never cut down and has now reached about 25 feet tall. My neighbor is in her late eighties and has no sons (who are willing) to do any yard work for her. Consequently her overgrowth has made my ability to get sunlight on a couple of my gardens a thing of the past.

It has been windy today so the noise was even worse than usual. The grapevines had attached themselves to the siding on my house on the second floor...not easy for me to reach. First I had to locate the problem areas, then find something that would reach far enough out of the window to pull the vines and branches close enough for me to lop them off. Lastly, I had to find a tool with which to do it. I found an old ratcheted hand pruning shear, bought at a very dear price, which a family member used and returned almost unusable. I was able to make two cuts I needed, then went to my computer to order a new pruner (with shipping, $41.25).

A bathroom sink cabinet has needed to be polyurethaned in situ. It needs to find sandpaper first, then polyurethane and paint brush; take the rug up, (wash it) so debris from sanding will fall on the floor beneath the rug which can be washed easily. Finally the actual painting (the easiest part of the job) then the clean-up.

I'm sure that any of us, given a bit of reason to do so, can come up with a weekly approximated figure of similar time waiting for the hot water to come to the faucet, waiting for the computer to boot, waiting for things to get cooked, etc. The best way to avoid wasting time is to multi-task...something I am very good at doing. However, what do the people do who can only concentrate on finishing one complete task at a time. Wouldn't it be great if we could save the time others waste?

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