Tuesday, July 7, 2009


As I read romance novels set in England,1000 A.D., I imagine body odor and ,bad breath without all our modern conveniences. Since there were no dentists and cavities couldn't be filled, how romantic and for how long could kissing have remained pleasant? Given long hours of darkness and poor quality of lighting, no sun glasses, no cataract surgery, no anti-biotics, using the shortest of possible lists, it is no surprise that things moved along far more slowly than today when we have use of the whole day, a longer life building on knowledge, longevity to make use of it, and developed technologies helping to build on everything.

Apparently it is not unusual for some of us, with time, to develop a film on the back of lenses in cataract surgery. The sensation is somewhat like walking in a continuously darkening tunnel, making life literally a twilight zone. But the help, I'm told is simple. A doctor's office appointment, have the film lasered off (only one eye per session in our CYA world) and you can see without the haze again. You never need to have it repeated, of which there are two kinds, dry and wet. The Gods randomly chose the best for me, the dry. A piece of paper with a black dot in the middle of a black grid was handed to me. Happily, what used to be next to instant blindness (for all practical purposes) is now curable if caught in time.

It was suggested to eat lots of spinach and kale as they are the only sources of lutein which helps prevent the advance. With instruction from some reliable sources, I have been taking lutein daily post cataract surgery. Now thanks to modern medicine, I can add yet another task to showers, appliance of deodorant, foot spray, talcum, washing and ironing clothes, trying to eat a balanced meal, swallowing my 13 vitamin, mineral and other non-prescription pills on a full stomach while being careful not to have an intake of too many calories, I must also take care of preparing those meals after shopping for the ingredients....oh, I'm making myself too tired just thinking of it all.......

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