Friday, August 14, 2009


We have Oscars and Emmys and lots of other awards for the best of a category. Perhaps someone should set up a new contest to incorporate the news media since it has now fully slipped into an entertainment category.

As long as we now have Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, Malkin, and I could just go on and on, we have the greatest lot of prevaricators as to what is going on in the world. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the only two who admit they are comedians though many of us get a far better picture of reality from them than the aforementioned.

It is pitiful that our news media has allowed itself to be in bondage to ratings rather than truth. If you need to find out whether you are a good judge of ethics, morality, veracity, admirable modeling...know that you are not a good judge if you enjoy any of those listed above. It is unlikely that you will agree with me if you see that this is truthful about you, but it doesn't make it less applicable whether you agree or not.

We need to resurrect the old newsroom cast, with crushed felt hats, cigars or cigarettes hanging from the mouth, and the guts to print the truth.

Sarah Palin, who is not openly running for office and yet has never stopped campaigning as though she were, is talking as though she expects people to believe her.

1 comment:

chris welts said...

...and there is always the "weather" channel, especially during hurricane season