Saturday, August 29, 2009


When a 43 year old ex-Marine with custody of his two sons didn't feel he could make enough money as a building inspector while construction was so bust, he came up with a very new business plan. Of course it will only play to the medical marijuana folk, but there is always hope that the market will grow if Americans wake up to the fact that we can cut into the business of some of the drug cartels by making marijuana legal.

Christina Davidson wrote about the burgeoning market for what is being called Colorado's Marijuana Economy: An Explosion of Ganjapreneurship.

There are many discussions today about why marijuana is not legal in the USA. The religious and moralists think it is sinful but it is the economists who are really in the know. Current subsidized crops would not do well as the hemp plant, which is alleged to have 10,000 uses. The haves of the present are terrified of losing that power to the 'have-nots' of today. As long as the poor farmers continue to be brainwashed about the sin of marijuana (no, I am not a user) they will continue to let the power of the wealthy dictate their poverty.

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