Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It amuses me that some parents are going to prevent their children from hearing the President's speech. Are these the same people who allow their children to get fat at McDonald's or choose cereal because the TV marketers brain wash them? Are these parents who let their children play their hand held violent games or see movies that teach them hate and warfare? The hypocrisy so many operate under is staggering but their ignorance is far more damaging to themselves and their children. The lessons they should have learned by Jonestown have long been lost. Many are too young to value or read history.

Tom Ritten of the L.A. Times writes: "Those who are whipping up hysteria over the president's address are playing a dangerous game with an unhinged segment of public opinion. While it long ago crossed the borders of reason and civility, the hysteria over healthcare reform is -- at some level -- understandable, because wellness and infirmity are really just stand-ins for those most terrifying of issues, life and death. To see the whole article, click here.

But there is no similar way to rationalize the bizarre controversy now raging over President Obama's plan to deliver a brief televised address on Tuesday to the nation's grammar school children."

The obstructionists have as much right to refuse to hear the President as those of us have to pity their 'slippery-slope' mentality. Some of us are not afraid to hear everyone and make our own minds up about what we can believe. Would that we might have fewer human sheep following the wrong leaders under the name of Christianity. The KKK makes a big issue of their Christianity, yet break the ten commandments just in being, let alone by doing.

Since the troublemakers are a minority, when is the majority going to reclaim sanity for the country again?

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