Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It wasn't Apollo who made men not believe Cassandra; men in power, in general, do not play truth with a single powerful woman. Instead, they gang up on her and do the little tricks of demeaning her, ruining her reputation, casting innuendos so that they'd tarnish her to the point of a total lack of respect for whatever she had to say. I'm speaking of Brooksley Born, a Stanford University law graduate, who foresaw the collapse of our economy starting with OTC derivatives way back in the 90s. She was ignored by the same men whom Obama has brought in to straighten out our economy, the economy they allowed to other words, the foxes are now in the hen house. Read more.

On 5/26 the Washington Post wrote about her but it never seemed to make the mainstream least, I never saw anything on her until tonight when Frontline on PBS did a brilliant piece exposing the conditions under which she testified before the Senate (who chose to listen the the 'big boys' instead of this brilliant woman).

Born believed in government regulation. Greenspan, the God of economics through many presidential bipartisan periods, followed his credo, Markets Get It Right and then, after he retired, had the temerity to simply say, "I was wrong." while the country was in economic and emotional shambles. In 1999 Time Magazine was praising the threesome for their great work. Do you think they would dare do a truthful update?

There was only one powerful man who ignored her and who had the manhood to admit that he didn't pay enough attention, swayed by the men who spoke so forcefully. He is a former SEC Chairman, Arthur Levitt. Gentleman that he is, to say he is sorry, doesn't change history and we are still going to have to suffer the mistakes of these men, bankers, investors, and greedy men who care not for their fellow citizens.

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