Saturday, October 17, 2009


Life is really a 'handyman special'. We start with potential only; what we make of it is up to our own efforts, resources, opportunities and skills. There is much we can change in our lives and it is a challenge to recognize that which we cannot change, accept and keep learning and living. I don't mean 'just living', I mean living as happily and well as is possible for us.

Opposites may attract, as the saying goes. However, in order to get along with one's opposite, there has to be an ability to adjust to change. As one ages, it would appear that the ability to change or adapt lessens for most. Relationships suffer by the demand for people to accept the unacceptable and unfamiliar. Since most women can work and survive on Social Security, pensions or savings, the need for being a couple for financial survival has decreased. The emotional need to be a couple may remain.

Factors which keep people lonely and alone, or able to find ways to rid themselves of loneliness without having to attach to another vary greatly. Loneliness may be a feeling from within or a reality from lack of feedback or satisfaction from without.
you think a romantic resolves loneliness by getting married....think again. It is rarely the case. The urge for people to take on a spouse or partner and then try to turn them into what they think they should be is a powerful one that rarely sees success.

We come 'as is' and not 'one-size-fits-all."

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