Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The world would be a better place if people could see the whole picture. It is unfortunate that too many see only a single action. For example, P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is hardly ethical in their treatment of mice when they freed them from laboratories where they were being used in research. These mice were raised to be used in experiments; they never had to find food in the wild for themselves and wouldn't know how to do it. They would simply be preyed upon as delicacies for predators. Many are unable to withstand the harshness of nature and weather out of the lab. When P.E.T.A. volunteers let the animals loose in the world, they are, in fact, sentencing them to a quick death and not necessarily a painless one as they would have been more likely in the lab. Yet those who spout concern about animals are the cruelest in some of their ignorant behaviors.

The Pro-Lifers talk about how sacred life is, forcing unwanted children to be born into poverty and rejection, yet murder abortion doctors who have a life, family and children left to survive without them on their death. Do they not see the hypocrisy of their actions?

When Bush/Cheney went to war in Iraq believing the war would be paid for by Iraqi oil (not American taxpayers), that the American troops would be welcomed as heroes with flowers being flung at them, that there would be few troop casualties, that the war would quickly be over, and many other unfulfilled promises, we find it clear that their actions might have been different if they were honest with themselves and the public. If only they had bothered to listen to those scholars who knew about the culture of the Middle East we would have fewer dead in the service and their extended families not having to struggle with the loss and the burden that has placed on all of them.

When people see only what they want to see and do not act in haste but, rather. review major decisions carefully before finalizing them, there are fewer 'mistakes', disasters, and lives lost. Obama is being criticized for not making things right immediately. If the people who think they know what he should be doing that he is not, really knew all the facts which he is having to juggle, they may find that he is best left alone to do his job. He has welcomed input but that doesn't seem to be enough for the loudest ones. Limbaugh would have him fail, missing the price all Limbaugh's fellow Americans would pay if that happens (as would the fringe Right and others who dislike him).

We have erred in our haste to let people speak by putting them on an equal standing on the world podium. As the Blue Collar comedians say, "There is no cure for stupid." Having an impressive CV and a graduation from an Ivy League school does not always equal across-the-board knowledge. To be really brilliant, there have to be so many more elements to your decision making process than just saying 'yes' or 'no'.

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