Sunday, October 11, 2009


The Nobel Awards Committee saw fit to award this year's Peace Prize to President Barack Obama. The Russian President congratulated President Obama, perhaps a reflection of some world opinion. However, in our own country, much to the shame of the Republicans who seem to be working towards making themselves even a greater useless majority in public opinion, if not on the few legislators who think they will retain their seats by continuing their lock-step Republican march of the past nine years. Their behavior is so derisive of our President that many are beginning to resemble sour grapes, recreating the Fox in the old Greek Fable.

Even SNL made a joke commenting to Michael Steele that he would not have his job if it weren't for Obama. Someone played James Carville who sounded like he was roasting the Republicans, in a chillingly humorous way. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev had a different view. He said the award will encourage further U.S.-Russian cooperation. Has anyone noticed the lack of patriotism and team play in the group who claim they could run this country better though they failed to do so in the eight years they were in power.

USA Today wrote an interesting article, showing the important of the prize to continues good working relationship with Russia. Click here. To read an excellent blog description of the gains Obama has made with Russia alone, check out The Relentless Liberal by clicking here. It seems that once again, some of us fail to walk in step with the world majority opinion.

1 comment:

Frank J. Lhota said...

Rep. Ron Paul, one of the few congressmen to vote against the Iraq invasion, has an interesting perspective on this year's Nobel peace prize: