Saturday, November 21, 2009


"Scientists have shown off an effect not unlike that of the "phasers" in the show Star Trek - but it only works on tiny worms called nematodes.

They used a special molecule that, when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, changes its shape. When the worms were fed this molecule and then exposed to UV light, they exhibited paralysis. But when the worms were again exposed to visible light, they regained their ability to move. "

The work is published in Journal of the American Chemical Society. To read the entire BBC article, click here.

It brings up the subject of research (not related to the above article) and how permission is granted. Like the imperative for witches, first 'No harm shall be done'. That, of course, is not easily determined. When a researcher has not followed protocol and all the rules, the research is suspended, or worse, terminated. However, despite the researcher's poor following of rules, if no harm came to any of the subjects, should the researcher be 'punished' by not allowing final data to be worked on even if it means publishing and reputation building for the researcher. This assumes that the actual research itself followed its protocol and problems were within the researcher only. The desire to punish bad behavior and stop all the researcher's work is very strong but we must keep in mind that the purpose of research is to make useful, scientific findings. If a researcher personally benefits as well, that is a nice peripheral gain for the researcher.

The choices in life are many. Taking and making choices has more or less risk as determined by the odds. For example, lotteries carry greater odds and generally yield more financial gain. Most choices don't involve instant gains, as with lotteries. Those unable to do research and follow trends are apt to miss out on when to make that choice. As refrigerators became popular, the ice man who quickly changed careers might have made a good choice.

Unfortunately, it is in human nature for many to wait until there is no alternative, forced to make a choice. Equally unfortunate is that, by that time, the choices are far more limited because those better at seeing the future trends had already made choices. If you have trouble making up your mind, lots of choices shut down and are no longer available to you. If you choose too quickly, without weighing all the pros and cons, you are equally in trouble. It boils down to life is not easy...choose carefully and well every time a choice is open to you and maximize your finances, professional and emotional life, or anything else that can have meaning for you!

We have choices about whether to take care of our bodies and perhaps live longer; choices about who we have as friends, choices about careers to pursue, and constant choices far too numerous to try to mention.

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