Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Everything in politics today seems to strike me like a fingernail scraping on a blackboard. We are supposed to be a government which keeps a separation between church and state. This seems hardly the case when Catholic Bishops are allowed to lobby the House of Representatives on a bill that ends up essentially voiding a law. Abortion has been made legal in the USA for many years now. An unwanted pregnancy would bring an unwanted child into the world. In the best interests of the child one might consider that abortion might be a reasonable solution for one whose religion is not insulted by that choice. Why then, should the law be negated by people who have no religious interest in the choice of non-Catholics.

If one is to believe comments by people who have read the bill, it would even prevent women from paying for their own abortions. It is difficult to believe that people would try to sneak in language that would reverse Roe v Wade. It is further my understanding that the Church has agreed not to involve itself in politics and reversal of laws. Will someone please tell me our government has not been hijacked to that degree by people who are given credence but are, in fact, not a part of our government and should not be advocating violating the Constitution. What am I missing here?

While this may seem a non-sequitor, will someone update me on the current status of the octuplets? Is the government in any way involved in their current care? If it is, then why can't women have the choice to abort and keep the government out of the child's further care

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