Friday, December 18, 2009


December is the time that people start adding and sorting things out of events of the year, decade, or whatever time lapse they choose. Victoria Gill, a science reporter for BBC News reports on Ardipithecus ramidus, a 4.4 million year old female, a million years older than Lucy. In view of all the scientific research and evidence of evolution, it is maddening that so many people are still so ignorant they believe evolution is only a theory.

Additionally, this first prize winner is described for being named as the most significant scientific achievement of the year (after 15 years of labor putting the fossil together and recreating what she might have looked like). This story was followed by the nine runners-up. For the complete story, click here. The nine runners up in Science's list of the year were Pulsar mystery, extended life, supreme conduction, plant survival, laser tool, gene therapy, magnetic monopoly, watery moon, and Hubble repair. These are all described in the BBC article.

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