Monday, December 21, 2009


A few months ago I quoted the Jewish saying, 'You can't control the wind but you can set your sails." Well today it became apparent once again that we can't control the weather, either. Click here. Fortunately, lucky for us, we were on the tail end of this receiving line and fared the better for it. The snow was light, dry, and fairly easily cleaned out of the way.

Not so for those who were south of us, however. From New Jersey on south through Washington, those not used to snow to any appreciable depth never know what to do with it and, least of all, drive in it. I recall being in Quebec City a few years ago and seeing snow piled more than a story high on either side of the road. It brings home that people can learn to do deal with almost anything when they are forced to live with it year after year. Necessity forces people to adapt and survive. Those who can't, move to Florida and live with alligators and bugs for the joy of being exposed to the sun and risk cancer or lathering themselves all day with sun block. Otherwise they are doomed to stay indoors all day with the AC turned on full blast.

It is hard for me to imagine how one can really miss snow though a Georgia friend of mine writes how he wishes they would get some cooler weather and snow. I guess it proves the grass is always greener in the other person's yard. However, a wise patient of mine once asked, "Yes, but are you willing to do what it takes to keep it green?" That was a very profound question because we so rarely think that far.

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