Sunday, December 20, 2009


A Brazilian toddler has been found with 42 sewing needles inserted into his body, two in the left ventricle of his heart, now being airlifted for surgery. The article may be read in its entirety here.

Using a legal concept, that of intent to deceive and harm, clearly the case of the little boy is an example of both. However, when we are talking of marketing mislabeling, is not the concept the same. To mislabel food products so that parents think they are giving their children healthy meals, in fact, the meals are potentially harmful, is akin to the tobacco industry claiming for so long that there was no danger in smoking filtered cigarettes. A survey in the UK found that 9 out of 10 mothers could not properly understand the food/nutrition labels on purchases made for their children. For the complete article on the poll done by the British Heart Foundation, click here.

Whatever has permitted our society regulators to have become so immoral, able to 'get away' with it for so long and with so much damage to humans. Our lobbyists will seemingly do and say anything to fool the public as will bankers, politicians, merchants, pharmaceutical companies, and so many other groups which even include religious leaders, police named to protect but who fail to do so when they become the predators themselves. Has it not become a very dangerous society and does one not find it self-incumbent to become one's own expert in safety, security, medicine, consumer-savvy, and are we not forced to live our lives in paranoid defensiveness?

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