Wednesday, December 23, 2009


What is the new nonsense about punishing females in the service if they become pregnant? Just how out of tune have out military leaders become. Isn't that pretty hypocritical? Should service people fight all their procreative, sexual urges, need for an endorphin release, but, failing birth control methods working, not have the same protection of American right for which they are fighting but that is not available to them?

It was always my impression that you are bound to those aspects of the agreement or contract which you signed (informed consent) when you joined the service. Can the Armed Forces just change the rules in midstream, at whim?

Kathryn Joyce write in Religion Dispatches. Posted December 21, 2009: "Thanks to anti-abortion forces in Congress and other culture warriors, female soldiers are not protected by the Constitution they defend." Apparently there is a ruling that there should be no sex in a war zone. However, that seems not to have stopped rape. The double standard rolls without even slowing down and women have to fight to keep from being seen as weak.

For the complete Joyce article, click here.

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