Sunday, January 24, 2010


Most of us know that we laugh more when others laugh with us, feel sadder around those who are grieving and blue, and more optimistic when optimists are around. Today, the Republicans on the Legislature make promises that spark optimism only in those who cannot accept progressive change and are willing to allow people to take control of their lives. They shout that government should stay out of their business yet they persist in getting into everyone else's personal business, professing they know better about the way others should conduct their lives.

Today I was witness to true happiness at a very small wedding attended by only twelve people on special and limited invitation. It was not a first marriage for either bride or groom but, without question, the happiest for each. The bride said it all when she said, "I married my best friend." Theirs was the happiness that rains down touching all around them. Rather than focusing on the many sadnesses in each of their lives, they radiated the joy of looking towards a happy future together, with nothing but love and kindness reflected towards others.

The bride in her 50's and the groom in his 60's found each other, first in friendship, and only later as potential mates. Their ability to adapt to major changes in their life was inspiring. They are having to make many important compromises to be able to live together and share their lives. Their decision demands starting life with no shared connects. Each parent has found a new life, encouraged by their adult offspring who viewed them with approving eyes before,during, and after the ceremony.

There is analogy between this couple and the sad state of our federal legislature; though in stark contrast. Our politicians are not concerned about adapting for the good of happiness for their constituents; once in office, too many are only concerned about re-election and holding on to the perks which their supporters will never equal. We need to create a global sense of consciousness towards controlling ability to feel happy even when life seems overbalanced in a negative direction. Little kindnesses go a very long way, especially towards the most dire need humans can experience such as is currently happening in Haiti. Reach out to your fellow can be very rewarding to give and share happiness in whatever form.

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