Monday, January 18, 2010


For leukemia sufferers who have had to struggle with donor cell rejection, a technique which may eventually remove the need for matched bone marrow transplants has been used in humans for the first time.

A BBC article states: "It is hoped that "master cells" taken from umbilical cords could be used on any patient without rejection.

The latest advance, published in the journal Nature Medicine, greatly multiplies the tiny number of cells from the cord ready for a transplant.

UK charity Leukaemia Research said this could be the "holy grail" for doctors. "

Only people, who live their lives with daily fear of uncontrolled rejection, and their loved ones can appreciate what meaning this would have to those with leukemia/lymphoma. While our greedy bankers, politician's and corporate leaders continue to squeeze out their lion's share of anyone's available funds, there are researchers who are dedicated to solving, not creating, the world's problems. Outside of the once admired USA leaders, we hang on to our proud leadership history though it no longer exists. Too many people are listening to the people destroying our freedom from within. While their are terrorists from al Qaeda trying to kill us, we have Americans from within who are killing us gradually with their fabricated religions, hallucinated dictums from God, and the audacity to believe that theirs is the only way to live...narrow views, prejudices, lack of knowledge about the world and its people's needs, and constriction of advancement of civilization.

But I digress, for more on the findings of the cord stem cell research, click here.

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