Thursday, January 21, 2010


It is quite upsetting to listen to the talking heads who state vehemently what, the rest of us can only guess at, is the reason Scott Brown was elected negating all the hope and reasoning that elected Obama just a year ago. They didn't get change fast enough so opt to return the policies, bigotry, discrimination and greed of the wealthy during the Bush administration back.

Drew wrote an interesting article in the
Huffington Post. He writes: It is a truly remarkable feat, in just one year's time, to turn the fear and anger voters felt in 2006 and 2008 at a Republican Party that had destroyed the economy, redistributed massive amounts of wealth from the middle class to the richest of the rich and the biggest of big businesses, and waged a trillion-dollar war in the wrong country, into populist rage at whatever Democrat voters can cast their ballot against.

All of this was completely predictable. And it was predicted. I wrote about it for the first time here on the sixth day of Obama's presidency, and many of us have written about it in the intervening year. For his complete article, click here.

Most of the explanations I have heard so far are as believable as Pat Robertson's conviction that the reason the Haitian earthquake had happened was because the Haitians had 'sold' their soul to the Devil 100 years ago to free themselves from France. However, the 'believers' have made Robertson a rich man as they have Limbaugh and many others who know how to touch the easily led; the people who don't dare think for themselves.

With patience, all will be laid out before us in time. I can only hope that Obama will give up waving the olive branch to the Right before the entire list that were the goals for which he was elected become history notes.

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