Sunday, February 14, 2010


Since I'm not a right-wing biased person, I'm having a really hard time finding where the left wing bias is in the media. It looks awfully red state stuff to me! In an article the other day, Robert Parry wrote: The "fair and balanced" slogan of Fox News is itself a propaganda message, reminding viewers of the supposed "liberal bias" of the mainstream media.

One of the ploys used is to claim the media has a liberal bias which forces people to bend over backwards to prove this an untruth, thus making the media heavily weighted to the right...definitely not the left.

Chris Hedges writes: "Being 'objective is killing newspapers, but we'll be much worse off when they go out of business. Don’t blame the Internet. The bloodless and soulless journalism of the traditional media left newspapers on the wrong side of the growing class divide and their readers." For the full article, click here.

This last opinion will hardly be popular with the press, but most of us stopped bying printed papers, not to save trees, but because it was a waste of money to have to pay to get advertising and little else of value. Financial pages are already outdated by the time the paper gets there, I'm not shopping for a male friend or husband, a car, and do not like to read reviews before I see something because it jaundices me since few see life as I do.

What a pity that real journalism is a lost art it seems.

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