Tuesday, February 16, 2010


2/15/10 has been a focus on Washington and Lincoln, sharing this day to celebrate their birthdays. Bush, our 43rd President who started an immoral war in Iraq, quoted Lincoln (as an idol) who said: "A war without morality will destroy the country." Bush almost succeeded in doing just that. It reminds me of Osdama bin Laden's threat to break the economy of the USA and makes one wonder how many of his people have infiltrated our financial system, corporations, banks, and unions to do just that.

Kevin Whitelaw of NPR writes: "The nation's top intelligence official told Congress on Tuesday (2/2/10) that the U.S. government is making significant progress against al-Qaida's terrorist network, despite several recent high-profile plots, while separately he issued a sharp new warning on an alarming rise in cyber attacks."

Dennis Blair, the director of national intelligence, in his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, quickly turned to al-Qaida, which he warned still has the capability to "recruit, train and deploy operatives" for terrorist plots inside the United States. There is no indication that those terrorist plots will be violent. Even al-Qaida must know how destructive white collar crimes can be.

Leon Panetta fears the greater threat is that al-Qaida is adapting their methods in ways that oftentimes make it difficult to detect." Males tend to think of war, power and physical victory. Cheney and Bush, both bullies, could never think out of the box to see that power is not limited to physical strength. Many years ago we learned that bringing down the system of trash collection can essentially stop the country from functioning. We now know that cyber crimes can do the same.

When will the big boys in government learn that they only reflect their advancing age and limited thinking when they open their mouths these days. The worst of them are the Republicans in the South who are still living their unresolved Civil War....and who erroneously call themselves Lincoln Republicans.

For anyone who remembers bin Laden's threat to our economy as I have, and have written about many times, you should read this article.

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