Tuesday, February 9, 2010


As the years roll by, I have noticed that people get lazier, more selfish, and project more of their sadness and pain onto others. It is like an adolescent patient told me years ago (when she slashed her arms requiring a great many stitches), "I hurt so much inside I figured I might just as well hurt on the outside, too." Naively, I thought she was saying no one could see her pain otherwise, but I realized that her actions were far more complicated than that.

There are few whom I hear in favor of war,though the Legislature and last Administration certainly sent us to Iraq and Afghanistan with no concern about the commodity known as 'the military'. Well, the 'military' is composed of people who have parents, spouses, children, loved ones, friends and all these others are touched by what happens to their military person. Today I saw a horrible story. Too many details were left out but, simply, a soldier (living with his girlfriend in Tacoma, Washington) was awarded custody of his 4 year old daughter, taken away from her natural mother who lives in Kansas, just a month ago. The father 'waterboarded' the child because she couldn't recite the alphabet, (let alone give any terrorist secrets...this author's addition). This article said nothing about the natural mother nor about the Judge's thinking to take the child away and give her to this very sick man.

It seems that all logic and common sense has left many of those who purport to be our leaders. Glenn Beck says we are all being led to slaughter, Roger Ayles says he is only interested in ratings, dire predictions are being made, the courts act funny (not just the family courts but the Supreme Court as well), and the tea baggers and fringe people talk revolution. Is it any wonder that humor isn't as funny as it used to be and that sick humor is used more? Hence the 'tards and retards labels are laughed at and more profanity are seen by most as the stuff to laugh at. I want the world to follow the bumper sticker that reads Commit a Random Act of Kindness. I think that beats out In God We Trust any time.

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