Thursday, March 18, 2010


Carl Hulse wrote in the Times, today, "The Senate approved and sent to President Obama on Wednesday what Congressional Democrats hope will be the first in a series of bills spurring employment by providing tax breaks and other hiring incentives to businesses.  The measure, approved on a bipartisan vote of 68 to 29, would give employers an exemption from payroll taxes through the end of 2010 on workers they hire who have been unemployed for at least 60 days. It also extends the federal highway construction program and takes other step."

The Stimulus Bill was passed in a bipartisan way though what is heard from the 'other side' these days would not indicate that they had passed one when Bush was in office,  They now make it sound like one of the worst decisions the Democrats ever made.

Fingernail biters must be having a good meal about now, waiting to here how the Democrats plan to finesse the Healthcare Bill through. Someone whose name I did not catch (obviously not a Democrat) said that this was all silly because everyone knows that most people have health care covered by their jobs.  Where has this person been for the past few years as fewer and fewer employers offer benefits or full time employment?  How do these people get into office, let alone on television where the audience is unable to discriminate between the wise and the fools?

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