Wednesday, March 24, 2010


When even the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts,  violates protocol and makes faces at what the President is saying, tlaking while the President is speaking; when a Senator from the west yells "Baby Killer" as a pro-choice Democrat explains why he has accepted the Healthcare Bill; when the President is speaking and a senator yells out "Liar"; when Fox News interviews the President and talks over him rudely, doesn't allow him to talk much and accuses him of not letting the interviewer talk enough, we are in a very sad state as a country by the choices we have made of putting these rude, out of control people in charge of the country and on the media as though they are same as those whom we can respect.

The country wonders why children are so disrespectful and are such bullies today.  Just look at the models we show them on TV.  Where is the parent group that wanted violence taken off TV?  Are there no groups incensed by the behavior and words of those people who have a vast audience in the media, who advocate violence, who hurl racial epithets at Senators walking near the Capitol; or homophobics who dare insult a Representative who has served his country diligently and with dignity for years but who dares to be out of the closet and honest about who and what he is?

Where is the rage at these injustices?  If those behaviors slip by people, what about the fools who believe that Obama is not an American citizen, is a Muslim...and worse, an Anti-Christ. That he is worse than Hitler and a Socialist?  If that is not bad enough, the Republicans who were voted into office encourage these atrocious behaviors.  When discussing poor losers, John McCain should stand out in history as a leader...( deserving of the equivalent of an Oscar).about the only thing in which he is a leader today.  Could he not see the gracious way Gore, Kerry and Hillary Clinton took their losses.  None of them said they would just collect a Senate salary and stop working!!  Just what are the Republicans using for brains?  Do they not realize that many are without jobs in this country, yet forced to pay their salaries while they collect salaries for doing nothing?  What can possibly be going on in the mind of these people?  And yet, they say say they are there representing their constituents.  How condascending of them!

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