Thursday, March 4, 2010


SNL ( Saturday Night Live) had a great skit the other day.  Presumably it was past presidents advising Obama about the economy.  There were many funny lines but, to me, one of the funniest was 'GW' commenting that he had put the Iraq war on a credit card and no one told him the would be 28%  Like many Americans who charge heavily and haven't read the fine print.  There are more charges that can be added on than most people could imagine in their worst nightmare.  Did the banks really think that people wouldn't finally wise up and balk at being raped forever?

Ben Franklin used to say "A penny earned is a penny saved."  Today, a penny earned may be taxed several pennies by the time all claims by the government on that penny have been fulfilled.  Nevertheless, we have allowed our politicians to set up a system to perpetuate their freedom from worry about their constituents.  They get elected by clever lies and marketing techniques...possibly cheating with competent computer hackers.  They make sure they get their benefits while caring naught for the people without whom this country really could not run.

Sarah Palin said, on the Leno show, that the media is broken.  That is why, she explained, she has signed up with Fox News, to be Fair and Balanced!  Then she did a stand up comic routine that could never top the ludicrousness of her previous statement.  Yet so many people (even Romney) say she is wonderful.  We need to invent a machine to reprogram the brains of these people who have lost sight of why they were elected to office, the principles they are expected to uphold, and to reacquaint them with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States.

Leno, like many new shows, enjoyed high ratings for his first few nights back on the Tonight Show.  I was not among them as I don't particular care for the man nor what he calls humor.  However, it will be interesting to see how long he will hold the spot.  He left it may not be his choice the next time.

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