Sunday, March 28, 2010


Jeremy Scahill is this year's Izzy Award winner.  The Izzy, which is named after the legendary muckraker I.F. Stone, celebrates outstanding achievement in independent media..  He commented on the need to save 'real journalism'.  We, as American citizens can comment, "Next to losing our minds, we miss good journalists, honest, truthful, fact finding  to read.  It will take some time before the public as a whole can trust journalists, political talk show hosts, and politicians.  In addition to those who are more interested in personal gain, re-election, and greed, who have ruined our country, we must not only try to keep the country afloat in many dimensions, but we must find people to trust.  It is clear that our current voting practices are not sufficient to allow the public to choose enough competent people in elections. elected

It took a long time for a voice, with sufficient substance to be heard,  to say what many of us have known for a long time....that the Republicans work for Fox News. (quote:  David Frum) It speaks to the motivation within those with power and money which seduces people to follow that power blindly when brainwashed and preached to many hours daily the those who lie so blatantly and powerfully that people  who watch or read little else are quickly brought into the fold of the Pied Pipers of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Karl Rove, and  so many others.. Glenn Beck and Sarah Pail are playing a very dangerous game, inciting the gun bearers to a revolution,

A recent interview went as follows:  "Byard Duncan: What does it mean to be an "independent journalist?"

Jeremy Scahill: I would define an independent journalist as someone that's totally un-embedded when it comes to their relationship with the powerful. In other words, you don't get into bed with any political party. I'm not a Democrat; I'm not a Republican. I'm a journalist. It means that you don't get in bed with the military, with the CIA, or wealthy corporations, and you don't compromise your journalistic or your personal integrity in the pursuit of anything, including a story.

I believe that the way independent journalists are most effectively able to conduct their work is by maintaining their independence from the powerful. I don't hob-nob with the powerful. I don't count among my friends executives or other powerful people. I think it's important for independent journalists to not be beholden to any special interests whatsoever."

We need more of these men and women who have some principles and integrity.  Where are they hiding.  Come out, come out, wherever you are.  We know you have been hiding!"

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