Saturday, March 6, 2010


It is not my habit to be rude to anyone.  A few weeks ago two women came to my door.  The peephole showed me pamphlets so I knew what they were about.  I chose to open my door and speak with them.  While there is no one who can talk me into believing the Bible, that does not prove their is nothing I can be taught.  I was interested in what these two women might say to my challenges to their religion-speak.  We exchanged views and they left as unchanged in their views as I was in mine, though it had (surprisingly to me) been an interesting exchange and, like all have previously been with super religious people, I come away from the talk marveling at how someone can have so much faith in something I can't believe.  I envy their leaving so much choice to faith but would feel powerless and naked if I tried to emulate that faith.

A few days ago one of the same women knocked on my door.  She was accompanied by a younger woman than before who, through her stillness, was clearly 'breaking in'.  I was pleased to see the familiar face..  I explained that I could not find the passage she had wanted me to read so I she gave me a new one.  She remembered our conversation as she told me that it was good to question and that the Scriptures tell us that.  Part of my feedback was that I could not understand why I need confirmation from the scriptures that it was okay to ask while yet there were no answers to my questions.  Going on to say to them that the Bible was not helpful to me, that I didn't need the Ten Commandments from it as I followed them on my own principles.  I do nothing to hurt people; and try to follow the laws of my country, state, and city, while making no promises that I didn't intend to keep, and live by the Golden Rule..

Later, in relating this visit to another, I was informed he would have slammed the door on them, they would have been told get off his porch.  He seems to have little time for ideas not his own.  This is the antithesis of the way I live.  I listen to all people's ideas (at least once) and am constantly rethinking my own views, though at my age I pretty much know in what I believe and how I choose to live my life. There is no understanding for me as to why one would choose to do door-to-door attempts to educate people who do not solicit the teaching.  It was not necessary to suggest how wasted I see their lives when they could be doing so much to help people who needed it, wanted it, and would benefit from it.  Nevertheless, I will continue to respond to people who are doing their service to their church whether it is Mormon, Unification, Jehovah's Witness or any other.  If they think they have the answer, they must face someone who feels the knowledge of another truth.  The difference between us is that I don't have to leave my home to do it! I do not need to prove to God, through people not in contact with a God, that I live as I choose, think as I choose, and fear no negative consequences in their 'after-life'.

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