Tuesday, April 27, 2010


There may be lots of money from Wall St. for politicians to get for their campaigns.  The question that confronts them is whether that will be enough to put them in office since there are more votes among the middle and poor class that among Wall St. executives and lobbyists.  Something (the number of votes) got Obama elected.  However, what the electorate wants does not seem to move the Republicans in Washington.  Their greed knows no bounds.

Today the Republicans blocked the debate on finance rules reform.  What is the statement behind blocking a debate?  Let's not talk about it?  This is not a vote to approve, as I understand it, but a vote to debate it before a final vote.  How threatening can that be?  I guess to Republicans the threat is that they will not be keeping their word to be obstructive to the process of the Democrats and, thereby, to the democratic process, so that more of our citizens may suffer to assuage their urge for revenge for Obama's win and make their disdain of the fate of their fellow citizens in favor of their greed and dedication to getting themselves more campaign financing to reassure their re-election.  How self-serving can people be and what does it take for reasonable people to see through that, regardless of that with which America's domestic enemies are subjected over the media.

It stumps me as to how only all Republicans can see through the same lens and none of them can deviate an iota away from what their Masters demand.  That Republicans can retain respect for one another further adds to their inadequate judgment and unacceptable characters for the job to which they were voted into office.

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