Sunday, April 18, 2010


Michael D. Shear wrote in the Washington Post: Gay visitation order shows how Obama brings big change with small actions.  "President Obama's decision Thursday night to grant same-sex couples hospital visitation rights is the latest and most visible example of a strategy to make concrete steps toward equality for gays and lesbians without sparking a broad cultural debate or a fight with Congress."  Click here if you wish to read the whole article.

95% of Americans have lower taxes this years than they have had since before Reagan.
Politifact,com tracks his campaign promises.  They have been tracking 500.
If you would like to track them and be able to click on the left of the scoreboard, click here.  It is unbelievable to me that people are listening to Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman, Fox News staff, Rush Limbaugh and others who want to destroy Obama and don't realize that it would destroy the country at this point.  He has us pointing in the right direction on so many things.

In time we will see more truths unfold.  Rather than litigate the past administration, he put his efforts into making things better for the average Americans who needed it more than they needed revenge.  As things unfold by many are doing their jobs, the Republicans are still trying to keep from regulating banks.  Goldman-Sachs has perpetrated a bigger scam on world finances than Bernie Madoff  Few people realize the damage done by Madoff who scammed many philanthropists and cost donations to schools, hospitals, and may shifted losers into the accounts they sold to AIG and others, might just as well have been stealing from church collections...their conscience was the same..

For all of Liz and Big Dick Cheney's attempts to disqualify Obama, their lying will not win over truth for anyone who wishes to accept truth rather than lies. They are unable to credit Obama because of racial prejudice, envy, unwillingness to accept that he won the Presidency, or the realization that they can no longer continue to build an aristocracy of wealth and let 95% of the country fall into lower class. Like P. T. Barnum, they look for the sucker born every minute and find quite a few...many of them as teabaggers.

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