Tuesday, April 6, 2010


There have been discussions about the petition to Congress to change the picture on the $50 bill from Grant to Reagan.  With so many people in need of food and shelter in the US...to say nothing of many other needs, I'm shocked that someone can even think of taking on the enormous costs of changing a $50 bill.  One does not just decree change and have it happen.  Republican Rep. Patrick McHenry's bill would replace Grant with Reagan.

(The Grant $50 note, like the rest of our paper currency, went through its own overhaul not long ago, with a new design and updated security features, pictured here by Alex Wong / Getty Images). An article from The Swamp gives more details.

Regardless of those who think it is as similar as just changing printing a new picture onto new bills.  It should not come as a surprise that the petition comes from a Republican politician.

My plea is simple.  Feed the children, educate them, tend to their medical needs first!!!  After that, let the request work itself up the priority ladder which might have it reach the top by the year 2020!  Better still, let those to whom it is important donate out of their pockets, not mine..

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