Monday, May 3, 2010


A BBC headline  reads "Catholic order to be overhauled after founder's abuse."  Maciel, who died in 2008, fathered a daughter with a mistress as well as sexually abusing many boys and young men over a period of 30 years. He is described as "immoral".  Fancy that!  Apparently 30 years was not long enough for someone to figure out that immorality was going on in the church.  If God spoke to  priests...or at least the church hierarchy as they would lead us to believe...was God hiding it from them?  Naturally, since pFather Maciel took an oath and deniied any wrong doing, he was believed while his victims were allowed to suffer like modern day Cassandras. 

In another article, the Previous Pope was accused of failing to act on sex abuse case.  Sadly, neither Pope Pius nor Father Maciel are is true of many of the priests in the hey-day of sexual molestation perpetrated by so many of the proests on both young men and young women.  Read on here.

While I am sure there must have been some trustworthy men of the cloth loyal to their vows, we will never know who they might have been.  The shadow of doubt was cast on all of them by the perfidy of those who were guilty.  For those who say 'God works in strange ways.'  That certainly might be true as we glance around at what evolution and Mother Nature have gifted us.  But God and the church are two entirely different entities.  The church also works strange ways . It is  greed and most religions are a business, fostering too much deceit and mistrust for those intelligent enough to open their eyes and leave blind faith behind..  Without question, some aspects of churches, temples, mosques, or whatever place in which people worship, may serve people in some positive way.  I sincerely question whether those people might not behave similarly without the structure of religion if they are taught to think for themselves develop coping skills, personal boundaries, and can apply the Golden Rule or whatever form of it is practiced by their own religion.

Can the church accept that is the reason why so many have left both the 'calling' and being congregants.

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