Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dutch national Joran van der Sloot, 22 years old, is at present the main suspect of the murder of Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez, aged 21, found dead in a Lima hotel today, five days after she disappeared .Read details.

An interview with his lawyer (while the alleged killer is in parts unknown) offers only what might expect from the attorney of the accused.  Some of the pictures might be of help.Click here.

My thoughts really aren't with whether this young man is innocent or guilty, though from data I've read, it certainly seems he might be guilty.  The fact that he ran to Chile makes one even more suspicious.  However, my thoughts are with the number of victims when anyone is murdered.  Loving extended family and friends, co-workers, employers, neighbors, people who may even have depended in someway on the murder victim are on my list to be given sympathy. In the unlikelihood that there may be two murderers, rather than one, it would be somewhat surprising when both women, Natalie Holloway and now a young woman in Peru happen to have had such immediate close contact with van der Sloot.  Google sports a notice from 2 days ago that the Chilean police have picked up the alleged murderer in that country as of 6/2.

Instead of answers, I read many notes by people, those without real fact.  Like l, we're conjecturing and filling in the blank canvas,  It doesn't bother me that people are guessing and finding Joran guilty or not.  However, it does trouble me when the media people are doing the same thing, misleading us, and getting paid for it all the while,  It would not prevent further murders by probably sociopaths, but it would help people understand overall consequences to these acts.  The human agony at the death of beautiful young women with nothing but potential future for happy lives for themselves and those around them..

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