Friday, July 30, 2010


A Frenchwoman admitted she had eight babies whom she smothered at birth.  She is not the first woman tro admit to such a crime.  She is extremely obese, so her husband hadn't even suspected she was pregnant.  To our American society, for the most part, people will hear this as a horrifying story.  However, life was not always with similar values.  In the mountains of Greece, 130 years ago, there were no hospitals nor way to care for a crippled or severely defective infant. Such infants were tossed down a mountain side by ther mother, or midwife who might have been assisting.  It was not regarded as a criminal act but an act of kindness and a family survival necessity.  This Frenchwoman will no doubt spend the rest of her life in jail.  See details.

MSNBC has a habit of putting on people with totally opposite political views.  Sometimes it lacks interest as the Hannitty and Colmes duo did a few years ago on Fox News.  Whereas the Democrats say they want to help the people and are referring to the average American of the lower or middle class; the Republicans say they want to help the people but work for the top 2%, the richest class in America.
Anti-abortionists say they value life and want to protect it but they really only try to proptect the fetus and seem not to have interest in the living child after birth.
There are those who look down on others who are not involved with organized religion, as they violate the ten commandments and the Golden Rule, while those professing no allegiance to the Gods of others practice integrity, morality, and live by the Golden Rule.
If the reader was expecting an answer to my rhetorical question, I apologize.  It still boggles my mind that two people can look at the same action, scenario, speech, oral or written words, facial  expressions, or much more and see and interpret meaning 180 degrees in an opposite direction.
Obama made a comment today in a speech in which he noted that the media seemed only interested in creating a conflict.  The media they gaze adoringly at themselves through their amusement park mirrors.  Republicans claim they are looking for bipartisanship though they also say they want to cause Obama to fail.  What commitment does that imply? 
How can those below average in intelligence even hope to understand how to interpret the mixed, hypocritical messages in which much of the world speaks these days?

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