Saturday, July 17, 2010


A comedienne called Scott Brown's daughters prostitutes and then discredited the comment herself.  Big deal!  Anyone who knows the daughters know they are drop-dead gorgeous young, successful women.  Nothing there.

Chelsea Clinton is getting married.  She has handled her life graciously and with propriety.  It is good that she doesn't wear her battle scars and should serve as a model to many young women but they are not bright enough to do that.  They will instead follow entertainment figures who trash their own lives with alcohol, drugs, and what would otherwise be seen as degenerate living because they don't know what to do with the obscene amount of money at their disposal and believe all the hypes about how great they are.

Some people act as though capping the gushing oil well has solved 'the problem'.  That wasn't the real problem, was it?  Will the media tell the truth and cover all the disaster to humans (financial, medical, mental health, relationships), marine life, and wetlands, fowl, animals, health issues?  It seems highly unlikely.

Since some of our politicians think that anyone who really wants to work can just go get a job 'somewhere', why aren't they asked to do that for themselves....pretend they are jobless and see what the world has to offer them.  They will be shocked to learn that not even McDonalds will hire them

You can stay out of jail if you mislead and distract, as long as you don't lie.  Just ask Goldman, he did it.

Unfortunately, my mind doesn't seem so taken with the world at longs to get my computer back from the shop.

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