Saturday, August 7, 2010


These conditions (good luck, bad luck, smart thinking, and stupidity) play and: fight for supremacy.  The mess up my life.  In my mind, they are like two sets of good and bad twins).  For example, I locked myself out of my house the other day with nothing but the sleeveless blouse and pair of shorts I was wearing.  (bad luck or stupidity?)  Fortunately I  keep a Hide-a-Key in its little magnetic box on the porch (smart thinking).  However, my office key,not my front door key (stupidity). I had to buy a new lock a couple of weeks ago; old key doesn't work.

The air had gill-breathing humidity and oven-hot temperature.  Naturally my cell phone, iTouch with all  phone numbers, and computer with email addresses were all locked in the house.  A kindly neighbor took me in (smart thinking)and kept me from becoming dehydrated but, at least, offering a phone and a place to sit and some ice water to drink..His son overheard me describe my light and asked what happened.  He then asked if there was an unlocked window in my house.  It happened there was. (stupidity, good luck, or both).  He insisted on driving the half block to my house, found the window with as step ladder conveniently leaning against that side of the house.  (stupidity and good luck).  He was able to reach up to get me into the house.  (his smart thinking and my good luck)

Breaking and entering into your own home is not a misdemeanor.  (good luck or smart thinking, that we broke into my home though learning a how-to in case of other needs) You never know where and when you may need to pick a lock. You may just need to get into your house or car, or you may be captured by insurgents in a foreign nation. Whatever the case may be, this is the Beginners Guide To Lock Picking. With practice and time, your skills will improve.  In the unlikely event that history repeats itself, I point my readers to this site in the unlikely event that my history repeats itself,. Finding this site=good luck; using tools of this site illegally=stupidity; adding another skill you may sometime need=smart thinking.

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