Thursday, August 12, 2010


Right now it is popular to focus on Mexicans crossing the border, having babies, and staying on with the hope the parents will become citizens one day through their children.  Why has the United States made it so easy for Cubans to become citizens just by escaping Cuba and setting foot on dry land on our shores.  Have they made better citizens,  That is doubtful.  The blog Too Small to Succeed has a very interesting commentary on this population.  Written is: "The wet-foot, dry-foot policy is absurd. You have Republicans who for the most part are always talking against illegal immigration coming from South of the border, of the “Mexicans”  kind as a bad thing, but why don’t they mention what goes on here in S. Florida?   Could it be because they are pandering to the first wave of  Cubans that came to the U.S. in  the late 5o’ to early  60′s , who by and large are Conservatives and registered Republicans?  As oppose to many that came during  Mariel and those making it to our shores today who are mostly registered Democrats and who voted for Obama? The Cubans of the 50′s & 60′s know the truth, it’s always those who are benefiting  from the Embargo who say otherwise!"  For the entirety of this interesting article a few weeks ago, click here.

Statistics indicate that, while a majority of illegal aliens crossing over our Southern border are Mexican, they certainly aren't all Hispanic.  A recent article in the NY Times gives a more complete picture, statistically, as of 2008.  Births to illegal immigrants have been studied and anyone interested in statistics rather than fantasy, and old propaganda might do well to read that article.  Click here,

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