Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Republicans say they want less government intrusion into our lives but their actions are just the opposite.  Forcing women to stop using birth control, the morning after pill, or abortions regardless of whoever made the fetus is as gross an intrusion into someone's life (the mother, as well as the child that would result, unwanted).  These inconsistencies do nothing to foster respect for either their life priorities or ability to govern on the necessary world scale.

The tea partiers come forth as too limited in scope and not at all able to grasp the multitude of issues that a President or, any elected, legislative member needs to understand and cope.  One Senator is talking about 'shutting down the government' simply because he can.  The last time the government was 'shut down' it cost taxpayers $80,000,000.  To prove his power, I would hope people would understand that it should be his last term in office should he deign to do that.

Even more frightening is the insistence that the tax break for the wealthiest should continue.  If 84% of all the wealth in the United States is held by the top 2%, it makes the unevenness quite clear in the classes.  We do not need to breed more Robin Hoods in our current society but that is where we will be headed.  People will no longer stand for being ruled as though we were in France, with a King, prior to their Revolution.  Obama is trying to change all that and is being resisted by those with the wealth within and many outside of our country who, by the grace of a biased Supreme Court, have made possible for people who should be unelectable to be in office without proper credentials to do their job.

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