Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As someone who hates Fox Cable News, I have been subjected to it hours a day for the past 16 days.  Greta Sustern and Newt Gingrich are mouthing off behind me right now and I am powerless to turn them off.  All I can do is sit at this keyboard trying to keep my blood pressure from popping off at the top of my head!

It is remarkable that people can talk about things to which I respond with equal frustration at them as they have towards me.  However, I lose respect when their statistics are all wrong.  When people say they hate Obama because he has raised taxes on the Middle Class, I lose all sense of tact.  I wonder at how people I love can have been so easily mislead.  I'm sure many parents, whose sons and daughters were seduced into cults and brainwashed, are more than similarly enraged.

Since there is sort of, by definition, no truth in propaganda, I have been subjected to much that I know to be bold-faced lies and know that a very susceptible public is the vast majority.  When Politics and Religion are taboo subjects socially and that is all people can talk about, it is not easy to live in peace.

Tomorrow I will be back on my own turf, my head will be screwed on as it was two weeks ago, and the blog will, hopefully, return to a bit more stimulating subjects.  Until then............

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